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This 2-year-old German Shepherd with Dwarfism will remain a Puppy forever!

So gorgeous anyway those eyes say it all!

Well doesnt matter hes so cute and he will live a long time your a cutie

Ragnar, a German shepherd, was diagnosed with Pituitary Dwarfism, after an [] caused by the Giardia parasite.
Ragnar’s owners helped him to eventually get rid of the [in.fect.ion], which was on his neck. Although this cutie pie had a full recovery, the owners noticed that Ragnar’s growth had slower than it should be.

He have any health problems?

When they took him to the vet to get him rechecked, this doggo was diagnosed with dwarfism. In a typical scenario, this condition is linked with having a [thyroid] disorder called [hypothyroidism]. Due to this disorder, the [thyroid] glands don’t produce enough hormones, and this had caused Ragnar to suffer from hair [] and flaky skin.

Gorgeous….and most lovable

Luckily for Ragnar, he is now on the mend due to the [me.dica.tion] that he is on. With the cure for his condition, Ragnar is now [healthier] and happier than ever. Although he is still small and cute due to dwarfism, he hasn’t been [le.ft] out of the Mayo family.

Small enuff to hold and cuddle

His human family opened up an [Instagram] page to share his story, which has captured the hearts of millions on the internet worldwide.

Little cutie forever

You are cute just the way that you are.

Precious God bless you with a long and healthy life. Nothing is impossible with God

Have a happy lifelong baby

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